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Saturday, 26 January 2013
Saturday, 26 January 2013

12:00 -  5:00  Vallarta Cup 2013 - Race 4 and Awards Party

Join the VYC Racing Fleet for our annual January series. This year we have after race events every weekend!

January 26: Awards Party at VYC - Sliders!

6:00 -  9:00  Saturday Sliders and Vallarta Cup Awards

altDo you love sliders? We sure do! Join us at Vallarta Yacht Club on Saturday, January 26 for a night of great food and great music! Chef Israel will be serving all-you-can-eat sliders, including all the topings you can get on that bun!

We'll also be celebrating the last race of the Vallarta Cup - you'll get to cheer the winners (which is pretty much everyone in the Vallarta Cup).
Members and Registered Vallarta Cup Participants: 150 pesos
Non-Members: 230 pesos
(Dinner price includes a beer or soft drink)