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Monday, 18 March 2013
Monday, 18 March 2013

10:00 - 12:00  Vallarta Yacht Club Annual General Meeting

altThe Vallarta Yacht Club Annual General Meeting will be held at 10am, March 18, 2013 in the VYC Clubhouse.

All Flag, Gold Flag and Plankowner members are welcome.

The agenda for the meeting, as well as ballots and associated documentation, can be found here:

5:00  Monday Gaming Night!

altPoker: 200 Peso buy in. All are welcome!
Baja Rummy
Mexican Train
Peso Mi!

Vallarta Yacht Club

6:00 -  9:00  Saint Patrick's Day Dinner

 Amigos :

Saint Patrick's Day was Sunday ... we still want to have a party ... so

Monday March 18th  enjoy the Saint Patrick Day  with the traditional Corn Beef dinner 

        Green Salad         
 Corned Beef 

Members   $ 250.00  
Guest        $ 320.00

Those ones who are planning to attend please let us know that will help us a lot!
Thanks don't forget to bring your green clothes


Vallarta Yacht Club

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