Have you ever met an Olympian? If you spend enough time at VYC, you might just cross paths with one. Our famous bay has been a training ground for several Olympians and aspiring Olympians, who have come through the club for various levels of support. From Tanya Callas, who competed in the Tokyo Olympics in 2020, to Elena Oetling Ramirez, who represented Mexico in Paris this year, we are privileged to welcome these remarkable athletes and their competitive sailing spirit into our community.  

After competing in the Paris Olympic Dinghy Sailing, Elena Oetling Ramirz eloquently expressed her feelings on competition and the philosophical wisdom in such a young person. She acknowledged support from VYC by saying, "Gracias @vallartayachtclub por el apoyo y cariño incondicional." - "Thank you @vallartayachtclub for the unconditional support and love."

Elena's Facebook Post August 6, 2024

(Scroll down for English translation.)

Gracias Paris 2024 No se ni por dónde empezar. En el deporte así como en la vida, hay cosas que uno controla y cosas que uno no controla, todos tenemos malos días y por desgracia uno no elige cuando llegan esos días. Ir tras un sueño es un verdadero acto de FE, uno hace todo lo que puede sin saber qué va a pasar el día más importante, pero hay que confiar en el proceso, en el trabajo y en uno mismo. En mi caso estoy tranquila y contenta porque sé que no dejé ningún cabo suelto, dejé todo de mi en estos 21 años que llevo en la vela. Los Juegos Olímpicos se cree que son cada 4 años, ¿la realidad? Son cada uno de los días, horas y minutos de la vida de un atleta, ¿qué piensas? ¿Qué haces? ¿Qué comes? ¿De quién te rodeas? ¿Cómo duermes? Etc Y yo en mi caso he vivido para estos 6 días durante muchos años de mi vida, así que me voy orgullosa y con la frente muy en alto, ¿fue el resultado que quería? No, pero así es el deporte. ¿Lo disfruté y lo viví con intensidad? Si ¿llegué en mi mejor versión posible? Si, y me voy con eso y con muchos sueños cumplidos. En estos JO confirme que lo más valioso es el camino, disfrutarlo, vivirlo, sentirlo, porque al final eso es lo que te quedas y lo que te llevas. Gracias infinitas a @taniacalles por ser mi ejemplo y demostrarme que los sueños se cumplen con trabajo duro y dedicación, por ser parte de este camino desde muchos roles distintos y finalmente como mi entrenadora. Thanks @nmcsportsperformance for believing in me since day 1, for being always there for me, for being an amazing coach but also my rock and giving me the push I needed for this cycle, I wouldn’t be here without you. Gracias a mi familia, por el apoyo incondicional y porque saber que al final del día pase lo que pase hay alguien que te espera con una sonrisa y con amor, es lo mejor que existe en la vida. Gracias a Somos Mexico, a @conadeoficial, al @codejal y Federacion Mexicana de Velapor el apoyo durante este ciclo, hubiese sido imposible sin ustedes. Gracias @vallartayachtclub por el apoyo y cariño incondicional. Gracias a mi equipo multidisciplinario, ¡son lo máximo! Hay muchos más por agradecer, no acabaría nunca. Gracias. ¿Qué sigue? No lo sé, ya la vida me dirá.

Auto translation:

Thank you Paris 2024 I don’t even know where to start. In sport as well as in life, there are things you control and things you don't. We all have bad days and unfortunately you don't choose when those days come. Going after a dream is a true act of FAITH, one does everything you can without knowing what will happen on the most important day, but you have to trust the process, in the work and in yourself. In my case, I'm calm and content because I know I didn't leave any loose ends, I left everything of myself in these 21 years that I've been sailing. The Olympics are believed to be every 4 years, really? It's each of the days, hours and minutes in the life of an athlete, what do you think? What are you doing? What are you eating? Who do you surround yourself with ? How do you sleep? Etc And I in my case lived for these 6 days for many years of my life, so I go proud and with my head held high, was it the result I wanted? No, but that's the sport. Enjoyed and lived it intensely? If i became the best version of me? Yes, and I'm leaving with that and many dreams fulfilled. In these Olympic Games confirms that the most valuable thing is the road, enjoy it, live it, feel it, because in the end that's what you keep and what you take with you. Infinite thanks to @taniacalles for being my example and showing me that dreams come true with hard work and dedication, for being part of this path from many different roles and finally as my coach. Thanks @nmcsportsperformance for believing in me since day 1, for being always there for me, for being an amazing coach but also my rock and giving me the push I needed for this cycle, I wouldn’t be here without you. Thank you to my family, for the unconditional support and because knowing that at the end of the day whatever happens there is someone waiting for you with a smile and with love, is the best thing that exists in life. Thanks to Somos Mexico, to @conadeoficial, to @codejal and Federacion Mexicana de Velafor the support during this cycle, it wouldn't have been possible without you. Thank you @vallartayachtclub for the unconditional support and love.Thanks to my multidisciplinary team, you guys rock! There are so many more to be thankful for, it would never end. Thank you. What's next ? I don't know, life will tell me.