Events Calendar
1:00 - 3:00 Old Farts Laser Regatta
6:00 - 9:00 Santa's Toy Box DinnerSanta's Toy Box is a tradition that was started 15 years ago by Mr & Mrs. Claus aka. Ron & Arlene Tackett. Ron and Arlene saw the joy a small toy or gift brought children and families of the area. Six years ago they approached our newly formed club directors and a club tradition was forged. Toys are collected at our Charity Dinner, Sunday, December 14th and distributed to local kids before Christmas. Always fun, always rewarding, Please joins for our Santa's Toy Box Dinner. Don't forget to bring your toy(s) If you would like to help out, please contact Ron or Arlene at or simply call them at 329 298-1729.
3:30 - 6:30 Jr. Sailing Lessons
5:00 Monday Gaming Night!
Poker: 200 Peso buy in. All are welcome!
Baja Rummy
Mexican Train
Peso Mi!
Vallarta Yacht Club
9:00 - 11:00 Beading & Jewelry Classes with Mary
Beading classes are every Tuesday at 9:00! Buy all the beads you need or bring your own...Mary has some beautiful beads she made for some unique designs to your jewelry.
3:30 - 6:30 Jr Sailing Lessons
6:00 - 8:00 Mexican Buffet and Gringo Bingo
3:30 - 6:30 Jr. Sailing Lessons
4:30 - 6:30 Thursday Beer Can Races
VYC hosts Thursday evening Beer can race series.
There is one series each month in December, February, March and April.
The Racers and Cruisers/Racers are invited. They will compete on an around-the-buoy course.
First start is 4:30 p.m. at a starting line off Nuevo Vallarta entrance or the Marina Vallarta entrance.
Results will be announced at the VYC at about 6:30. Beer and burgers will be available.
Check the Morning Cruiser's net 8:30AM on channel 22 for race information on race day.
Registration Fee: Complete the downloadable registration form and drop it off at the VYC with the 250 peso fee for each series of 2 to 4 races Event Chairperson Mike Danielson, Sponsors, J World & PV Sailing.
See for entry forms and notices
12:00 - 6:00 Dine and Dash to Philo's
VYC host the Dine and Dash to the new La Cruz Marina.
These races are planned for November 15, December 20, and March 7 & 28.
Race, Cruisers/Race and the Fun Classes are invited. The racers in each class will compete with staggered start times adjusted by handicaps.
First start is 12:00 PM at a starting line off Nuevo Vallarta entrance. Tie up at the Riviera Nayarit Marina free and dine with good music at Philos.
Race back to Nuevo Vallarta to complete the race.
Registration Fee: Complete the downloadable registration form and drop of at the VYC with the 250 peso fee., Event Chairperson: Mike Danielson, Sponsors, J World, Philo's, Marina Riviera Nayarit & PV Sailing
See for entry forms and notices