Events Calendar

05 - 11 February, 2023
05 February
  • 5:00 -  9:00  Sunday Pot luck

    potluck The Sundays Pot Luck  will continue,  Join us  for  dinner. The grill will be fired up, and you can use dishes from the VYC 

    As our good friend Bob O'hara used to say, "Bring something to grill and something to share". it's a great way to connect with friends.

    Everyone is welcome.


    Vallarta Yacht Club

06 February
  • 1:00 -  5:00  Baja Rummy & Dominos

    MONDAYS and THURSDAYS come to the Club for our regular sessions of Baja Rummy and Dominoes, 1 pm to 5 pm.

    Delicious lunches, snacks and beverages are available from Picante daily.

    Vallarta Yacht Club

  • 1:00 -  5:00  Mexican Train

    Mondays and Wednesdays are Group Play Days for the Train with play starting at 1 pm. All VYC members and their guests are welcome to play together regardless of age, sex, language, or experience. Beginners are welcome! One set serves 8 players max, 6 more comfortably.  You may also use the club sets to play at VYC on other days and times. Please keep sets in their own boxes so that pieces are not mixed or lost. Share the fun with your family and friends! Meet you at the train station!

    Vallarta Yacht Club

08 February
  • 9:30 - 11:30  Painting With Federico: The Artist’s Sketchbook #2

     Come paint with Federico in an Art Class Project that will teach you the basics, equip you with the tools, and provide you with the know how to go from the expression an initial idea to a true masterpiece. At this second class we will continue our study of shaping objects by using shadows and highlights, and understanding how value is so important to the apparent shape of things. We will move on to thumbnail sketches, from which one of your masterpieces may be generated!

    $1000 pesos or $50 US per personEC0D847B 3FE9 45E9 831B 2BA2194A8776

    VYC lower level by pool deck

09 February
  • 1:00 -  5:00  Baja Rummy & Dominos

    MONDAYS and THURSDAYS come to the Club for our regular sessions of Baja Rummy and Dominoes, 1 pm to 5 pm.

    Delicious lunches, snacks and beverages are available from Picante daily.

    Vallarta Yacht Club